This is a SuperGuide profile of CareSuper, including fund performance, value of assets under management, contact details, and administration details (such as ABN and USI).
This profile is factual information and is not an advertisement or recommendation for CareSuper. View other super fund guides.

On this page
CareSuper overview
CareSuper is a Public offer Industry fund.
Learn more about MySuper funds and the different types of super funds.
CareSuper ranks 19 in terms of total member benefits, which are valued at approximately $53.42 billion.
In terms of members, CareSuper ranks 13, with 594,095 members. In the 2024 financial year, the number of CareSuper members changed by 1%, which places them at 40 of 95 funds in terms of growth.
CareSuper is one of the 16 super funds that has committed to achieving net-zero absolute carbon emissions in their investment portfolios by 2050, in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
CareSuper ABN
The CareSuper ABN number is 74559365913.
CareSuper has the following USI numbers
CARE Super | MTA0100AU |
CARE Super Guaranteed Income | 74559365913005 |
CARE Super Pension | MTA0002AU |
CARE Super Term Allocated Pension | MTA0003AU |
Note: A USI (Unique Superannuation Identifier) helps you or your employer know you are paying super contributions into the correct super fund.
CareSuper super investment options
Default option (MySuper)
Growth assets
Balanced (MySuper)
Strategy type | Single strategy |
Percentage of growth assets | 69.4% |
Investment category | Growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.45% | 0.07% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreOther multi-sector super investment options
Growth assets
Percentage of growth assets | 82.9% |
Investment category | High growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.56% | 0.08% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreAlternative Growth
Percentage of growth assets | 69% |
Investment category | Growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.57% | 0.06% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreSustainable Balanced
Percentage of growth assets | 69% |
Investment category | Growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.35% | 0.09% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreConservative Balanced
Percentage of growth assets | 49.9% |
Investment category | Balanced |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.4% | 0.06% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreCapital Stable
Percentage of growth assets | 35.5% |
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.37% | 0.05% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreOther single sector super investment options
Australian Shares
Percentage of growth assets | 100% |
Investment category | All growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.45% | 0.08% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreCash
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.08% | 0 |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreDirect Property
Percentage of growth assets | 30% |
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.48% | 0.1% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreFixed Interest
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.19% | 0.02% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreOverseas Shares
Percentage of growth assets | 100% |
Investment category | All growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.15% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.4% | 0.05% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreOffers DIY investments
CareSuper members can also invest their super in specific shares, ETFs and other direct investments.
Offers TTR pension
CareSuper also offers transition-to-retirement (TTR) pension investment options.
CareSuper pension investment options
Multi-sector pension investment options
Growth assets
Percentage of growth assets | 82.9% |
Investment category | High growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.56% | 0.08% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreBalanced
Percentage of growth assets | 69.4% |
Investment category | Growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.45% | 0.07% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreConservative Balanced
Percentage of growth assets | 49.9% |
Investment category | Balanced |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.4% | 0.06% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreCapital Stable
Percentage of growth assets | 35.5% |
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.37% | 0.05% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn morePerformance
Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreAlternative Growth
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.58% | 0.06% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreCapital Guaranteed
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.26% | 0.04% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreSustainable Balanced
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.35% | 0.09% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreSingle sector pension investment options
Australian Shares
Percentage of growth assets | 100% |
Investment category | All growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.45% | 0.08% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreCash
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.08% | 0 |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreDirect Property
Percentage of growth assets | 30% |
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.48% | 0.1% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreFixed Interest
Investment category | Conservative |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.19% | 0.02% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreOverseas Shares
Percentage of growth assets | 100% |
Investment category | All growth |
Admin fee fixed | Admin fee % | Admin fee cap | General reserves | Investment fees and costs | Transaction costs |
$67.6 | 0.1% | $818 | 0.11% | 0.4% | 0.05% |
Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.
Learn moreSee also our features on the best performing pension funds .
If your fund is not listed as a top performer, check where it appears in our pension fund rankings.
Awards won by CareSuper
In recent years CareSuper has won the following awards:
- Smooth Ride Award (SuperRatings)
- MySuper of the Year (SuperRatings)
- Investment option (SuperRatings)
- Investment option (SuperRatings)
- MySuper of the year (SuperRatings)
- Choice Super of the year (SuperRatings)
- Choice Super of the year (SuperRatings)
- Best Fund: Integrity (Chant West)
- Choice Super of the year (SuperRatings)
Learn more about the Super funds of the year awards and Pension funds of the year awards.
CareSuper insurance
CareSuper provides the following types of insurance:
- Life insurance (death cover)
- Total and permanent disablement (TPD) cover
- Income protection cover
Learn more about insurance through your super fund.
CareSuper administration details
Below you can find the administration details for CareSuper including whether the super fund is open to the general public (Public offer) or not (Non public offer) and how CareSuper is structured. You can also learn how their expenses ratio compares to other super funds, as well as the gender ratio and remuneration of their board directors.
Fund's RSE licensee | CARE Super Pty Ltd |
Public offer status | Public offer |
Fund type | Industry |
RSE licensee ownership type | Equal representation required by governing rules |
RSE licensee profit status | Not for profit status |
RSE licensee board structure | Financial services corporation ownership |
RSE licensee balance date | 6/30/2024 |
Investment expenses ratio | 0.4% (average is 0.18%) |
Operating expenses ratio | 0.3% (average is 0.49%) |
Number (and percentage) of female directors | 11 (55%% - average is 40.7%) |
Number (and percentage) of male directors | 9 (45%% - average is 59.3%) |
Total remuneration of directors on trustee board | $1,124,000 (average is $743,412) |
Average remuneration of directors on trustee board | $112,000 (average is $102,069) |
Sources: APRA and publicly available information. Data contained in this table as of 30 June 2024
CareSuper contact details
Below you can find contact details for CareSuper including website, email and physical address as well as social media accounts if they are available.
Address |
Locked Bag 20019 Melbourne VIC 3001 |
Phone number | 1300 360 149 |
Fax number | 61 3 9192 4416 |
Website | |
Social media accounts |
Articles mentioning CareSuper
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