Aged care: Guide to self-managing home care
Self-managing government-subsidised home care is an increasingly popular way to maximise the hours of care provided with hand-picked carers.
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Self-managing government-subsidised home care is an increasingly popular way to maximise the hours of care provided with hand-picked carers.
Proposed changes to the Pension Loans Scheme (now known as the Home Equity Access Scheme) could help more elderly Australians stay in their own home for longer.
New rules from 1 July will potentially allow older Australians to bring forward the sale of their home and get two bites of the super contributions cherry.
Since new rules came into force last July, people aged 67 to 75 have more opportunities to boost their super even if they are no longer working.
Lee and Mandy are retired and want to see whether downsizing could increase their retirement income.
To ensure your super ends up in the right hands when you die, these examples highlight how even the best laid plans can sometimes have unintended consequences.
Changes to the means testing of lifetime annuities have changed potential Age Pension entitlements for retirees who purchased their annuity before or after 1 July 2019.
It’s worth getting your head around the ECPI rules, as they can provide tax benefits if your SMSF is paying a pension.
Self-managed super funds are generally a family affair, but “mates rates” for fund transactions or business dealings are strictly off limits.
Moving assets into the lower-tax super environment can be a rewarding strategy. This is how it’s done.
Answers to common questions from SMSF trustees about repayment relief for their LRBA loans.
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