Special features
- Case studies
- Coronavirus and superannuation
- Federal Budget and superannuation
- Government reviews of superannuation
- How-to Super Guides
- Leaving or living outside Australia
- Opinion
- Retirement calculators and reckoners
- Retirement planning strategies
- SMSF checklists
- SMSF Q and As
- SMSF strategies
- Super quizzes
- Super tips and strategies
- Superannuation checklists
- Superannuation contributions strategies
- Superannuation Q and As
- Taking a super lump sum
- Types of investments for superannuation
- Video
- Women and super
- 10 points to check on your annual super fund statement
- 2018-19 year in review
- 2019 Federal Budget overview: Super, tax and related announcements
- 2019 year in review
- 2019-20 year in review
- 2020 Federal Budget overview: Super, tax and related announcements
- 2020 year in review, 2021 preview
- 2020–21 year in review: A dramatic recovery
- 2021 Federal Budget overview: Super, tax and aged care announcements
- 2021 year in review, 2022 year in preview
- 2021-22 Year in Review: Volatility reigns
- 2022 Federal Budget overview: Super, tax and retiree announcements
- 2022 Federal Election: Coalition and Labor super and retirement policy announcements
- 2022 year in review, 2023 year in preview
- 2023 year in review, 2024 year in preview
- 2024 year in review, 2025 year in preview
- 3 steps to making a complaint about your super fund
- 3 very different types of retirement
- 5 new year’s resolutions for your SMSF
- 5 strategies to help fix your total super balance problem
- 7 retirement mistakes you don’t want to make
- 8 warning signs of a bad financial adviser
- 9 investment risks and how they can affect your super
- A simple guide to what tax is payable on super death benefits
- A step-by-step guide to valuing tricky assets
- A super guide to the bring-forward rule
- Accessing super between 60 and 65
- Accessing super: Reaching age 65
- Account-based pensions Q&A special (January 2022)
- ACT Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Adjusting to retirement: 8 factors that can help
- Advance care planning: Wills, Powers of Attorney, living wills and more
- Advance care plans: Why everyone should have one
- Age Pension assets test rules (from September 2024)
- Age Pension calculator (September 2024 update)
- Age Pension income test rules (from September 2024)
- Age Pension Q&As: Minimum drawdowns and the Age Pension
- Age Pension rates (September 2024 to March 2025)
- Age Pension Work Bonus: How it works and case studies
- Aged Care Royal Commission report card
- Aged care star ratings: Good but can do better
- Aged care: Guide to self-managing home care
- Am I eligible for the Age Pension?
- APRA’s performance test: Platforms miss the mark
- Are pension withdrawal rates safe?
- Are you paying your super contributions on time? Deadlines for employee contributions
- Asset valuation guidelines for SMSFs
- ATO SMSF supervisory levy: Cost and guidelines
- Australian income tax brackets and rates (2024-25 and previous years)
- Australian independent financial advisers: National list
- Balanced, Growth, Defensive: What’s in a name?
- Best performing pension funds: All Growth category (96–100%)
- Best performing pension funds: Balanced category (41–60%)
- Best performing pension funds: Conservative category (21–40%)
- Best performing pension funds: Growth category (61–80%)
- Best performing pension funds: High Growth category (81–95%)
- Best performing super and pension funds: Understanding the 5 risk categories
- Best performing super funds: All Growth category (96–100%)
- Best performing super funds: Balanced category (41–60%)
- Best performing super funds: Conservative category (21–40%)
- Best performing super funds: Growth category (61–80%)
- Best performing super funds: High Growth category (81–95%)
- Boost your Age Pension by topping up a younger spouse’s super
- Boosting your super balance with Grow My Money
- Buying property in an SMSF Q&As: Part 1
- Calculate how to reach your super balance goal
- Calculating your employees’ SG contributions? The rules to help get it right
- Can I access my super? FAQs about conditions of release
- Can I get free financial advice?
- Can I live in my SMSF property?
- Can I return to work after I access my super?
- Can my SMSF invest in gold?
- Can my SMSF loan money to me or my business?
- Can you be your own SMSF accountant?
- Can you rollover an SMSF pension to another fund?
- Case studies: How to make the most of higher contribution caps
- Case study: Boosting retirement income with downsizer contributions
- Case study: Combining downsizer and non-concessional contributions
- Case study: Combining new retirement products to maximise retirement income
- Case study: How to reduce tax on your TPD payments from super
- Case study: Later-life divorcee using a transition to retirement strategy to rebuild super savings
- Case study: Making super contributions from compensation payments
- Case study: Mid-life average income couple dreaming of a travel-filled retirement
- Case study: Recontribution of death benefits?
- Case study: Self-employed single seeking a comfortable and secure retirement income for life
- Case study: Should a wealth retiree start a super pension or draw on non-super investments first?
- Case study: Transferring shares into your SMSF (an in-specie transfer)
- Case study: When can I afford to retire?
- Case studies: Super death benefit nominations
- Centrelink Q&As: Super pensions and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC)
- Centrelink’s Payment and Service Finder: How it works
- Change your mindset: Ways to deal with boredom in retirement
- Changing pace: Retiring and thriving together
- Checklist for employers to master your super responsibilities
- Choosing a default fund for your employees
- Choosing a super fund: Does size really matter?
- Choosing an SMSF service provider
- Claiming a tax deduction for your employees’ super: What are the rules?
- Common errors SMSF trustees make with their annual returns
- Common ‘myth-conceptions’ about retirement income
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Q&As: Eligibility and completing forms
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card: Eligibility and how to apply
- Commuting an SMSF account-based pension
- Concessional super contributions guide (2024-25)
- Consider these two risks before you start a super pension
- Contribution cap increases: Issues to consider
- Converting super into retirement income: What are your options?
- Countdown to retirement: Tips to help kickstart your retirement plans
- Creating effective salary sacrifice arrangements with your employees
- Currency hedging for SMSFs
- Death benefits Q&As
- Deeming rates (2024-25) and calculator for the Age Pension income test
- Director Identification Numbers: What is required for SMSFs
- Diversification and your SMSF: Why and how to do it
- Divorce and superannuation: How it works
- Dixon Advisory’s fall from grace: 4 lessons for all investors
- Do you know what your super fund is invested in?
- Does my SMSF need to register for GST?
- Does your super fund pay a retirement bonus when you start a pension?
- Downsizer super contributions: Rules and eligibility
- Dual pension strategy: Reducing super death benefits tax for non-dependants
- Early release of super due to severe financial hardship
- Early release of super for illness or injury
- Early release of super on compassionate grounds
- Elder abuse: How to spot the signs and reduce risk
- Employee or contractor for super purposes? How to tell the difference
- Employee super contributions for the self-employed and micro businesses
- Employer’s guide to Superannuation Guarantee contributions: Which employees are eligible?
- EOFY: Getting your SMSF in order
- Estate planning and SMSFs: What it is and why it matters
- Estate planning when your child has a disability: What can I do?
- ETFs: How do I use them and what do they cost?
- Everything SMSF trustees need to know about rebalancing
- Federal Budget May 2023 overview: Superannuation and retiree announcements
- Federal Budget May 2024 overview: Superannuation and retiree announcements
- Federal Budget October 2022 overview: Super and retiree announcements
- Financial advice through super funds: What’s on offer?
- Financial advice: We want it, but cost is an issue
- Financial advice: What are the risks and benefits?
- Financial advisers give tips on preparing for retirement
- Five common financial mistakes SMSF trustees make just before retirement
- Franked dividends and franking credits for SMSFs
- Getting ATO advice for your SMSF: Rulings and fund specific advice
- Getting financial advice? What your adviser needs to provide
- Getting to know your super fund and what it can do for you
- Granny flats: How to ensure everyone’s rights are protected
- Greenwashing: Do your super fund’s credentials stack up?
- Had enough of your SMSF: What are your options?
- Have you got an exit plan? The importance of estate planning
- Healthy eating in your 70s and beyond
- Help! I think I’m being paid too much pension
- Hidden perks that make your super account even better
- History of superannuation: Is it getting better?
- Hitting your peak later in life (and planning for the lows)
- How a transition-to-retirement (TTR) pension works
- How can I top up my super pension?
- How can you plan your income needs in retirement?
- How carry-forward (catch-up) super contributions work
- How do ETFs compare to LICs/LITs and managed funds?
- How do I apply for the Age Pension?
- How do I arrange a Home Care Package?
- How do I transfer a UK pension to an Australian super fund?
- How do reportable employer super contributions (RESC) work?
- How do SMSFs invest?
- How do tax-deductible superannuation contributions work?
- How does residential aged care work?
- How does SAPTO work? (Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset)
- How does your super affect the Age Pension?
- How inflation affects your retirement income
- How investing in infrastructure adds to your super returns
- How is my Total Superannuation Balance (TSB) calculated?
- How lifetime income products can help reduce the ‘taper trap’ for retirees
- How LISTO works (Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset)
- How long you can expect to live and what it means for your super
- How lump sums can reduce your transfer balance account
- How much can I afford to spend in retirement?
- How much does financial advice cost?
- How much super do I need if I don’t own a home?
- How much super do I need to retire on $100,000 a year?
- How much super do I need to retire on $50,000 a year?
- How much super do I need to retire on $60,000 a year?
- How much super do I need to retire on $80,000 a year?
- How much super do I need to retire?
- How much super do you need to set up an SMSF?
- How much super should I have at my age?
- How myGov can help you keep track of your super
- How redundancy and retirement impact your employees’ super
- How retirees are using home equity to boost income
- How separation and divorce affect the Age Pension
- How sequencing risk affects your retirement
- How super fund fees impact your net returns
- How superannuation is taxed: Super for beginners guide
- How superannuation works: Super for beginners guide
- How the 15-year small business CGT exemption can help boost your super
- How the Division 293 tax works: Super surcharge for high earners
- How the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme works
- How the government co-contribution scheme works (including calculator)
- How the Home Equity Access Scheme works (formerly Pension Loan Scheme)
- How the rich invest
- How to add a new member to your SMSF
- How to afford a ‘comfortable’ retirement with less super
- How to apply for the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS)
- How to avoid getting caught in the in-house asset trap
- How to benchmark your super fund
- How to boost your SMSF balance with contributions reserving
- How to boost your SMSFs immunity to cybersecurity threats
- How to boost your spouse’s balance and make the most of super caps (including calculator)
- How to budget for retirement
- How to buy a commercial property and lease it through your SMSF
- How to change super funds (in 5 easy steps)
- How to change your investment option: 6 points to check before you switch
- How to choose a pension fund
- How to choose an investment option for your super pension
- How to compare super funds in 7 easy steps
- How to consolidate multiple super accounts
- How to create an investment portfolio in retirement
- How to find a super financial adviser
- How to find your lost super
- How to get ready for retirement if you own a business
- How to invest according to your values and address climate risk in your SMSF portfolio
- How to invest in infrastructure through an SMSF
- How to invest your superannuation: Super for beginners guide
- How to keep good records for your employees’ super contributions
- How to keep your immune system strong this winter
- How to make your super more socially aware
- How to maximise your Age Pension
- How to measure the financial impact of delaying retirement
- How to navigate the different stages of retirement
- How to plan for your retirement
- How to plan your spending through the 3 stages of retirement
- How to prepare for an SMSF auditor and fill in your SMSF tax return
- How to read a super fund PDS
- How to record SMSF minutes
- How to take advantage of the increased Transfer Balance Cap (including calculator)
- How to use Industry Super Funds’ Transition to Retirement (TTR) calculator
- How to use Moneysmart’s Account-based pension calculator
- How to use the Mercer Retirement income simulator
- How to use the Moneysmart Retirement Planner
- How to use the Moneysmart Super contributions optimiser
- How to use the Moneysmart Superannuation calculator
- How to use the TelstraSuper Lifetime Income Calculator
- How to use the TelstraSuper Retirement lifestyle planner
- How to wind up an SMSF
- How to work for longer to improve your retirement lifestyle
- How to make the most of your super contributions
- How your super fund works and who’s who in your fund
- In your 50s or younger? The super rules that apply to you
- In your 60s? The super rules that apply to you
- In your 70s? The super rules that apply to you
- In your teens? The super rules that apply to you
- In-specie transfers out of an SMSF
- Income alternatives to bank shares
- Income protection insurance through super: A definitive guide
- Income support Q&As: How will super affect my disability support pension and other benefits
- Income tax calculator (2023–24 and 2024–25)
- Independent financial advice: Why it’s important and how to find it
- Independent financial advisers: Adelaide and SA
- Independent financial advisers: Brisbane and Queensland
- Independent financial advisers: Canberra and ACT
- Independent financial advisers: Hobart and Tasmania
- Independent financial advisers: Melbourne and Victoria
- Independent financial advisers: Perth and WA
- Independent financial advisers: Sydney and NSW
- Indexing options in your super fund: Pros and cons
- Insurance inside super: A definitive guide
- Introducing My Aged Care
- Introduction to aged care
- Is $1 million in super enough to retire on?
- Is $2 million in super enough to retire on?
- Is $500,000 in super enough to retire on?
- Is $700,000 in super enough to retire on?
- Is an SMSF right for you?
- Is it time to change your super investment option?
- Key observations from the Retirement Income Review
- Key superannuation rates and thresholds for 2024-25
- Latest Choice super heatmap shows progress but fees remain high
- Latest MySuper heatmap highlights best and worst performers
- Legal case a lesson in proper SMSF admin and record keeping
- Life insurance through super: A definitive guide
- Lifetime estimator calculator
- List of APRA-regulated superannuation funds
- Location the missing ingredient in retirement planning
- Longevity risk: How deferred annuities can help your savings last
- Losing capacity: The issues for SMSF trustees and what you need to do
- Low Income Tax Offset (LITO): How it works
- Making super contributions after age 60: Even in retirement
- Making superannuation contributions: Super for beginners guide
- Managing capital gains in your SMSF portfolio
- Managing retirement income with a bucket strategy
- Managing your employees’ SG contributions? Technologies you need to know
- Managing your SMSF through a recession
- Managing your super when you’re moving overseas: 5 steps for success
- Market volatility and super: How to resist the itch to switch
- Means test treatment of lifetime annuities
- Member services: What separates the best super funds from the rest?
- Members benefit from more superannuation board diversity
- Mind over matter: The psychology of retirement planning
- Minimum pension drawdown rates (2024–25) and calculator
- Minister promises no more regulatory shock for super
- Modern retirement modelling: Increasing confidence in retirement planning
- Multigenerational SMSFs: Benefits and pitfalls
- MySuper funds: Everything an employer needs to know
- Need care at home? We look at where to find it and what it costs
- New contribution strategies for retirees
- Non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE) rules for SMSFs
- Non-concessional super contributions guide (2024–25)
- NSW Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- NT Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Passive versus active: Which investment style is best?
- Pension fund of the year 2024-25: What makes a winner?
- Pension fund performance to June 2024
- Pension fund rankings: All Growth category (96–100%)
- Pension fund rankings: Balanced category (41–60%)
- Pension fund rankings: Conservative category (21–40%)
- Pension fund rankings: Growth category (61–80%)
- Pension fund rankings: High Growth category (81–95%)
- Perspectives on retirement
- Planning for cognitive decline
- Planning to retire at 60? What you need to consider
- Planning to retire at 65? What you need to consider
- Planning to retire before turning 60? What you need to consider
- Planning to retire this year and start a super pension? Here’s what to consider
- Planning your account-based pension withdrawals for the new financial year
- Platforms and wraps: Benefits and downsides
- Preservation age and transition-to-retirement pensions align
- Property development in an SMSF: Recent ATO guidance
- Property development in your SMSF: What to consider
- Proportioning rule and super tax: What it is and why it matters
- Proposed increases to the cost of aged care
- Protecting Your Super package: What you need to know
- Q&A: Can an SMSF accept super contributions if it’s status is “Pending”?
- Q&A: Can an SMSF invest on a “tenants in common” basis in commercial property, funded by a mortgage?
- Q&A: Can I benefit from the increased transfer balance cap if I’ve already started a pension?
- Q&A: Can I cancel a reversionary pension within my SMSF and wind up the SMSF?
- Q&A: Can I combine multiple pension accounts?
- Q&A: Can I do contribution splitting if I live overseas?
- Q&A: Can I withdraw a lump sum after I start a pension?
- Q&A: Can we use a recontribution strategy at 70 if we have a large transfer balance?
- Q&A: Can you make super contributions when you work overseas?
- Q&A: Can you transfer an investment property into an SMSF?
- Q&A: Do I have to start a pension when I retire?
- Q&A: Do SMSFs perform better than industry funds?
- Q&A: Does a property owned by an SMSF need to be sold upon retirement or can we take possession?
- Q&A: Does the previous year’s balance affect the minimum pension amount?
- Q&A: How can you reduce inheritance tax if you leave your super to your children?
- Q&A: How does a transition to retirement pension impact CGT on property assets?
- Q&A: How does proportioning work if I have super in both accumulation and pension phases?
- Q&A: How much can I contribute in year 4 of a bring-forward period?
- Q&A: How will the new $3m super threshold tax impact retirement planning?
- Q&A: Is a lump sum super payment taxed if I’m under 60?
- Q&A: Is TBAR reporting required for lump sum payments?
- Q&A: Is there a cap on total super balance when you have started a pension?
- Q&A: Is there a loophole which allows a pension fund to go above the transfer balance cap?
- Q&A: Timing for commencing a pension and minimum pension requirements
- Q&A: Transfer balance account, minimum pension requirements and the 1 June rule
- Q&A: What are the pros and cons of entering pension phase with accumulated losses for capital gains?
- Q&A: What can we do with excess funds if we need less than the minimum pension amount?
- Q&A: What happens if I start a pension and gains push the balance over the transfer balance cap?
- Q&A: What is asset segregation in pension phase?
- Q&A: What is required when making lump sum withdrawals from an SMSF in pension mode?
- Q&A: What is the tax treatment on lump sum withdrawals when 65 and not retired?
- Q&A: What to consider with unused concessional contribution tax claims?
- Q&A: When I retire, can I transfer the cash assets to my share of the SMSF?
- Q&A: Can I contribute to a grandchild’s super account?
- Q&A: Can I contribute to super after I start a pension?
- Q&A: Can I move my pension to another provider?
- Q&A: Can I own an overseas house in my SMSF?
- Q&A: Can I receive my deceased spouse’s accumulation death benefit in a pension income stream?
- Q&A: Can we use the money from our SMSF for personal use upon reaching pension age?
- Q&A: Can you make an in specie transfer of crypto into an SMSF?
- Q&A: Contributing to super prior to a pension
- Q&A: Do I need to complete a TBAR when commencing a Transition to Retirement (TTR) pension?
- Q&A: Do we need to use the proportioning rule when rolling over super benefits from an SMSF to an industry super fund?
- Q&A: Does the sole purpose test become redundant when you’ve retired?
- Q&A: How can I recontribute my pension payments back into my super?
- Q&A: How can we reduce the super death tax for our beneficiaries?
- Q&A: How do I ensure a lump sum is taken from the right pension account?
- Q&A: How do I start an SMSF pension while leaving other members in accumulation?
- Q&A: How do we structure our SMSF to collect rent as a pension if my wife is under preservation age?
- Q&A: How is an SMSF member’s Total Super Balance calculated?
- Q&A: I have over $3m in super so should I now consider a recontribution strategy?
- Q&A: I’m 60. What happens to my super when I wind up my SMSF?
- Q&A: I’m 63. Can I start a transition-to-retirement pension if I quit one of my jobs?
- Q&A: I’m over 75. Can I make a super contribution?
- Q&A: I’ve used the bring-forward rule, so when can I make more non-concessional contributions?
- Q&A: If I have $1.9m in my super pension can I still make contributions?
- Q&A: If I make bring-forward contributions, do I have to wait 3 years before I can start a pension?
- Q&A: If I’m retired can I leave one of my two funds in accumulation?
- Q&A: If we transfer assets to a new SMSF, will there be capital gains tax?
- Q&A: Must super be paid out of an SMSF after the death of a spouse?
- Q&A: Should I postpone my contribution reserving strategy until after the contribution caps rise?
- Q&A: What are the benefits of spouse super equalisation strategies?
- Q&A: What are the pros and cons of starting an account-based pension vs investing outside super?
- Q&A: What happens to my SMSF if I travel or move overseas?
- Q&A: What should we have in place for when an individual trustee of an SMSF passes away?
- Q&A: What to consider if a director of a corporate trustee of a single member SMSF resigns
- QLD Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Quiz: Age Pension rules
- Quiz: Boosting your super with super contributions
- Quiz: Employer super responsibilities
- Quiz: Planning for retirement
- Quiz: SMSFs for beginners
- Quiz: Super for beginners
- Real DIY super: How to keep SMSF costs super low
- Recontribution strategy case study: How super tax components impact estate planning
- Reducing tax on capital gains with super contributions
- Renters Beware: How the pension and super could leave you behind
- Retiree reflections: Does your housing meet your retirement needs?
- Retiree reflections: What surprised me most when I retired
- Retiree reflections: “If I had my time over again, when would I retire?”
- Retirement cost of living: 10 tips to boost your finances
- Retirement Income Review finds 9.5% super is enough
- Retirement income rules of thumb: Do they measure up?
- Retirement income: When is the optimal time to purchase a deferred annuity?
- Retirement planning for couples
- Retirement: The goals are shifting
- Retiring early due to ill health? 6 steps to stay on track
- Retiring overseas: Implications for your super and tax
- Retiring soon? Here are 5 questions you need to answer first
- Revamp for super system: Financial Services Royal Commission recommends change
- Reverse mortgage calculators: How-to guides
- Reverse mortgages: What are they and how do they work?
- Reversionary pensions: What they are and how they work
- Rise of the three-quarter life crisis
- Risk profiling and your investment choice
- Rules for setting up super and choice of fund for new employees
- Running multiple SMSFs: What are the pros and cons?
- SA Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Salary sacrifice and super: How does it work?
- Saving for retirement outside super
- Secrets to living longer
- Selecting a retirement income calculator
- Selecting your super fund: Can I make the choice?
- Shift changes threaten home care help
- Should I close my super account when I retire?
- Should I retire overseas?
- Should retirees use their super to become debt free?
- Should you develop a retirement income strategy for your SMSF?
- Should you fully withdraw super prior to death to minimise tax payable by your beneficiaries?
- Should your life and disability insurance be inside super?
- Single touch payroll (STP): What are the implications for SMSF trustees?
- Single women and super: How 3 women beat the statistics
- Small APRA funds: What are they and why would I need one?
- Smashing senior stereotypes
- SMSF annual admin checklist
- SMSF audits: Fees and guidelines
- SMSF compliance: What are trustees’ responsibilities?
- SMSF death benefits: Who are my dependents and why does it matter?
- SMSF estate and succession planning: What’s the difference?
- SMSF insights 2024: Div 296, Superstream, ETFs and more
- SMSF investing: An adviser’s insight into mFunds
- SMSF investment rules: Collectables and personal use assets
- SMSF investment rules: What every trustee should know
- SMSF investment strategy health checklist
- SMSF investment: 20 most popular Australian shares
- SMSF investment: 20 most popular ETFs
- SMSF investment: 20 most popular international shares
- SMSF investment: 20 most popular LICs/LITs
- SMSF investment: 20 most popular managed funds
- SMSF investments: Using ETFs for diversification and more
- SMSF investors: How to avoid getting scammed
- SMSF loans: What are the SMSF borrowing rules?
- SMSF pension strategy: Lump sum payments
- SMSF pensions: Planning your pension properly
- SMSF property investment rules
- SMSF property ownership options and opportunities
- SMSF property ownership: Trustee requirements and obligations
- SMSF Q&A special (November 2021)
- SMSF Q&As with the ATO: COVID-19 special
- SMSF reporting and record-keeping requirements
- SMSF returns are on par with large funds
- SMSF setup guide: 9 steps you need to follow
- SMSF statistics: 1.1 million members with $869 billion in super
- SMSF trust deeds: Rules, guidelines and updates
- SMSFs and cryptocurrency investments
- SMSFs and estate planning: An introduction
- SMSFs and estate planning: Issues to consider after the death of a SMSF member
- SMSFs and estate planning: Key issues that SMSF trustees need to know
- SMSFs and estate planning: What fund members should consider and plan for
- SMSFs and financial advice: A matter of cost and trust
- SMSFs and insurance: Rules and considerations
- SMSFs and non-arm’s-length income (NALI)
- SMSFs and property: Business real property
- SMSFs reserves: What are the rules?
- SMSFs structures: Corporate or individual trustee?
- SMSFs: Getting ready for the annual meeting with your accountant
- SMSFs: How to deal with lost paperwork
- SMSFs: How to start a pension
- SMSFs: Investing in related trusts and companies
- SMSFs: Investment property tax deduction mistakes to avoid
- SMSFs: Legacy pension relief at long last
- SMSFs: Minimum account-based pension payments, strategies and calculator
- SMSFs: Running multiple pensions for the one member
- SMSFs: Sustainable investing just got personal
- SMSFs: Top 10 alternative investments
- SMSFs: What advice can your accountant provide?
- SMSFs: What are the lump sum withdrawal rules?
- SMSFs: What is an actuarial certificate, and how much do they cost?
- SMSFs: What to do if you get a breach notification from the ATO
- Starting a pension from your super
- Starting an SMSF pension checklist
- Strategies for boosting your super in the gig economy
- Super and pension fund performance: Where does your fund rank?
- Super fund fees and charges you need to know about
- Super fund fees: Do lower fees mean better net returns?
- Super fund mergers: What does it mean for members?
- Super fund performance over 32 calendar years (to December 2024)
- Super fund performance reckoner: Monthly returns for 5 investment categories
- Super fund performance reckoners: Annual returns for 5 investment categories
- Super fund performance: Monthly returns to January 2025
- Super fund rankings: All Growth category (96–100%)
- Super fund rankings: Balanced category (41–60%)
- Super fund rankings: Conservative category (21–40%)
- Super fund rankings: Growth category (61–80%)
- Super fund rankings: High Growth category (81–95%)
- Super funds of the year awards: Best super funds for 2024-25
- Super funds with the lowest fees
- Super funds with the lowest income protection insurance premiums
- Super funds with the lowest life and TPD insurance premiums
- Super Guarantee Charge for employers: What is it and what are my options?
- Super housekeeping tips for EOFY
- Super news for April 2020
- Super news for April 2021
- Super news for April 2022
- Super news for April 2023
- Super news for April 2024
- Super news for August 2019
- Super news for August 2020
- Super news for August 2021
- Super news for August 2022
- Super news for August 2023
- Super news for August 2024
- Super news for December 2019
- Super news for December 2020
- Super news for December 2021
- Super news for December 2022
- Super news for December 2023
- Super news for December 2024
- Super news for February 2020
- Super news for February 2021
- Super news for February 2022
- Super news for February 2023
- Super news for February 2024
- Super news for February 2025
- Super news for January 2020
- Super news for January 2021
- Super news for January 2022
- Super news for January 2023
- Super news for January 2024
- Super news for January 2025
- Super news for July 2020
- Super news for July 2021
- Super news for July 2022
- Super news for July 2023
- Super news for July 2024
- Super news for June 2020
- Super news for June 2021
- Super news for June 2022
- Super news for June 2023
- Super news for June 2024
- Super news for March 2020
- Super news for March 2021
- Super news for March 2022
- Super news for March 2023
- Super news for March 2024
- Super news for May 2020
- Super news for May 2021
- Super news for May 2022
- Super news for May 2023
- Super news for May 2024
- Super news for November 2019
- Super news for November 2020
- Super news for November 2021
- Super news for November 2022
- Super news for November 2023
- Super news for November 2024
- Super news for October 2019
- Super news for October 2020
- Super news for October 2021
- Super news for October 2022
- Super news for October 2023
- Super news for October 2024
- Super news for September 2019
- Super news for September 2020
- Super news for September 2021
- Super news for September 2022
- Super news for September 2023
- Super news for September 2024
- Super or mortgage: Where should I put my extra savings?
- Super pensions: Trends in payment frequency, flexibility, fees and more
- Super recontribution strategy: How it works
- Super scams: What are they and how to avoid them?
- Super strategies after losing your spouse: What are the rules?
- Super tax breaks to be reduced for accounts with more than $3 million
- Super tips and strategies if you are in your 60s or 70s
- Superannuation Guarantee contributions rate and rules
- Superannuation rule changes from July 2024 (and previous years)
- Super’s next shake up? Productivity Commission gets tough
- Support services for unpaid carers
- Tasmanian Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Tax hike on super balances above $3 million: Is it time to rethink our retirement savings vehicles?
- Tax in SMSFs and regular super funds: How do they differ?
- Tax returns in retirement: Do I need to lodge one?
- TBAR: Transfer balance account reporting for SMSFs
- The $3 million super tax cap: What to consider with 1 year to go
- The 7 biggest super mistakes – and how to avoid them
- The Age Pension when living apart: What you need to know
- The arm’s length rule for SMSFs
- The big picture: Focus on super’s long-term returns
- The cost of residential aged care
- The financial and health benefits of working into retirement
- The importance of asset allocation
- The importance of the 10/30/60 Rule to your retirement income
- The lowdown on COVID-19 relief for SMSF borrowings
- The power of compound interest
- The role of cash and bonds in your portfolio and what’s available
- The Sharpe Ratio: Risk-adjusted returns and your super
- The small business CGT retirement exemption explained
- The SMSF trustee declaration explained
- The sprint finish: How to boost your super before retirement
- The taper trap: Super and the Age Pension means test
- The why and how of direct investment super options
- Tips for writing an advanced care directive
- Tips to boost your super when retirement is a long way off
- Tips to boost your super when retirement is approaching
- Tips to help your super last longer
- Tips to make the most of the latest super contribution rules
- Top 10 Balanced super funds ranked by risk and return
- Top-performing sustainable super funds (to June 2024)
- TPD insurance through super: A definitive guide
- Transfer balance cap (TBC) for super pensions: How it works
- Transfer Balance Cap indexation: Opportunities for SMSF members?
- Transition to retirement Q&As
- Transition-to-retirement strategies
- Understanding the difference between your total super balance and your transfer balance cap
- Unlisted assets: What are they and why is my super fund investing in them?
- Using the Home Equity Access Scheme to fund aged care
- Victorian Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Video: Explainer on the legacy retirement income products amnesty
- Video: Pros and cons of SMSFs
- Video: We need to talk about Mum and Dad
- Video: Wellbeing in retirement
- Video: What is Personal Capital?
- WA Seniors Card: Benefits, discounts and how to apply
- Webinar: Estate planning and superannuation
- Webinar: Super strategies for 2025
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A (December 2024)
- Webinar: 2024 year-end superannuation tips and traps
- Webinar: Advice options for planning your retirement
- Webinar: Age Pension reassessments
- Webinar: An introduction to SMSFs
- Webinar: Buying property in an SMSF
- Webinar: Death benefit nominations
- Webinar: Downsizer super contributions
- Webinar: Estate planning considerations for SMSF members
- Webinar: Insurance inside super: Is it time for a change?
- Webinar: Navigating the aged care system
- Webinar: SMSF investment strategy
- Webinar: SMSFs and borrowing: Tips and traps
- Webinar: Starting an account-based pension
- Webinar: Strategies to split or share your super balance with your spouse
- Webinar: Super decisions at retirement: Income stream, lump sum, accumulation or a mix?
- Webinar: Super strategies for your SMSF
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: December 2022
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: December 2023
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: June 2022
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: June 2023
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: June 2024
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: March 2023
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: March 2024
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: September 2022
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: September 2023
- Webinar: SuperGuide members Q&A: September 2024
- Webinar: The proposed new $3 million super changes: What you need to know
- Webinar: Transition-to-retirement pensions: Strategies and benefits
- Webinar: Transition-to-retirement pensions: The BOOM is coming
- Webinar: Women’s super: Closing the gap
- Webinar: Year-end superannuation tips and traps
- What advice can I get from my super fund in retirement?
- What age can I access my super (Preservation Age)?
- What age should I retire?
- What are annuities, and how can they help in retirement?
- What are average super fund fees?
- What are defined benefit super funds?
- What are lifecycle super funds, and how do they perform?
- What are MySuper products, and which super funds have MySuper products?
- What are the 3 stages of ageing?
- What are the accumulation and retirement phases of super?
- What are the Age Pension gifting rules?
- What are the Age Pension residency rules?
- What are the buy/sell spreads charged by my super fund?
- What are the current work test rules for super contributions?
- What are the different types of super funds?
- What are the key differences between SMSFs and public offer funds?
- What are the penalties for failing to meet employer super obligations?
- What are the penalties for SMSF non-compliance?
- What are the setup and running costs for an SMSF?
- What are the SMSF residency requirements?
- What are the super and Age Pension rules for same-sex couples?
- What are unit pricing and crediting rates and why do they matter?
- What are unrestricted and restricted non-preserved super benefits?
- What concession cards are available for seniors and pensioners?
- What different types of financial advice should I consider?
- What do the 2024 tax cuts mean for your super contributions?
- What does SuperStream mean for my SMSF?
- What government services are available for older Australians?
- What happens if I don’t pay the minimum pension from my SMSF?
- What happens to my Age Pension if I sell my home?
- What happens when you meet a financial adviser
- What I would do differently now: Retirement plans are shifting with the times
- What is a core and satellite investment strategy?
- What is a Longevity Plan, and how do they work?
- What is a self-managed super fund (SMSF)?
- What is a target market determination and why should you care?
- What is a testamentary trust and does my Will need one?
- What is an investment-linked annuity?
- What is myGov and how do I use it?
- What is the Age Pension age?
- What is the cost of living in retirement in Australia?
- What is the DVA (Department of Veterans’ Affairs) Service Pension?
- What is the maximum super contribution base?
- What is the Medicare Safety Net and am I eligible?
- What is the retirement age in Australia?
- What is the sole purpose test, and how does it work?
- What is the value of financial advice when it comes to your retirement?
- What laws do SMSFs need to adhere to?
- What on earth is an in specie transfer?
- What retirees need to understand about property insurance
- What should the federal government’s super and retirement planning priorities be?
- What SMSF trustees need to know about exempt current pension income (ECPI)
- What strategies can I consider to reduce tax on a super pension paid from my SMSF?
- What the new Retirement Income Covenant means for you
- What to consider if you’re forced to retire early
- What to do if a member wants to leave an SMSF
- What to do if the market tanks and you’re retired, or close to it
- What to do if you exceed your super contributions caps
- What to do if your employer doesn’t pay your super
- What type of people have SMSFs?
- What work can I do for my SMSF and can I be paid?
- What you need to know about investing an inheritance into super
- What you need to know about six-member SMSFs
- What’s the Carer Payment and am I eligible?
- What’s the Carer Allowance and am I eligible?
- What to teach your (big) kids about super
- When can I access my super? All conditions of release explained
- Where are we now? Pending and recent superannuation changes
- Where is technology for SMSFs headed?
- Where to find retirement income in addition to super
- Which are Australia’s largest super funds?
- Which asset classes are popular with SMSFs?
- Which SMSF expenses are tax deductible?
- Which super funds accept transfers from KiwiSaver accounts?
- Which super funds offer income for life?
- Who to turn to if you have a problem with your financial adviser
- Why aged care deserves to be part of your retirement plan
- Why financial literacy is vital for a good retirement
- Why it can pay to put as much as possible into super
- Why super funds diversify and what you can learn from it
- Will overspending delay your retirement?
- Winding up an estate: 11 steps to help get the job done
- Women and super (Part 1): How to grow your super in the early and middle years
- Women and super (Part 2): Strategies to boost your super in the lead up to retirement
- Women and super (Part 3): Making the most of super and other assets after retirement
- Women and super: Budget snapshot outlines the challenges
- Workforce age discrimination and what it means for your super
- Working in retirement: Busting the age barrier
- Worried about outliving your retirement savings? 9 steps that can help
- Writing your SMSF investment strategy (including templates)
- Your future now stapled to your super
- Your Future, Your Super: What it means for you
- Your home: The foundation of retirement planning
- Your SMSF calendar for 2025
- Your super after death: How to get your savings into the right hands fast
- Your tax guide to accessing your super over age 60
- Your tax guide to accessing your super under age 60
- YourSuper comparison tool review
Super funds
- Acclaim Wealth
- Active Super
- AMP Super Fund
- ANZ Staff Super
- ASGARD Independence Plan Division Two
- Australian Defence Force Superannuation Scheme
- Australian Ethical Super
- Australian Food Super (formerly AMIST)
- Australian Retirement Trust
- AustralianSuper
- Avanteos Superannuation Trust
- AvWrap Retirement Service
- Aware Super
- Brighter Super
- CareSuper
- Cbus Super
- Centric Super Fund
- Challenger Retirement Fund
- ClearView Retirement Plan
- Colonial First State FirstChoice
- Crescent Wealth Superannuation Fund
- CSS Fund (Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme)
- Equip Super
- Essential Super
- Fiducian Superannuation Fund
- Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Fund
- First Super
- Future Super Fund
- GESB Super
- Goldman Sachs & JBWere Superannuation Fund
- Grosvenor Pirie Master Superannuation Fund Series 2
- GuildSuper
- Hostplus
- HUB24 Super Fund
- IOOF Portfolio Service Superannuation Fund
- legalsuper
- Lifefocus Superannuation Fund
- Macquarie Superannuation Plan
- Mason Stevens Super
- Meat Industry Employees Superannuation Fund (MIESF)
- Mercer Portfolio Service Superannuation Plan
- Mercer Super
- Military Superannuation & Benefits Fund No 1
- MLC Super Fund
- National Mutual Retirement Fund
- NESS Super
- Netwealth Superannuation Master Fund
- NGS Super
- NSW Fire Super
- Oasis Superannuation Master Trust
- OneSuper
- Perpetual Super Wrap
- Perpetual WealthFocus Superannuation Fund
- Perpetual’s Select Superannuation Fund
- Personal Choice Private Fund
- Platformplus Super Wrap
- Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund
- Prime Super
- Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan
- Public Sector Superannuation Scheme
- Qantas Super
- REI Super
- REST Super
- Retirement Portfolio Service (OnePath and ANZ Super)
- Russell Investments Master Trust
- smartMonday
- Star Portfolio Superannuation Fund
- Super Retirement Fund
- Super SA
- Super Simplifier
- Team Super
- TelstraSuper
- The Bendigo Superannuation Plan
- Tidswell Master Superannuation Plan
- Ultimate Superannuation Fund
- UniSuper
- Vanguard Super
- Vision Super
- Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund (North and AMP)
- Zurich Master Superannuation Fund
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- Will my SuperGuide Premium subscription automatically renew?
- Trish Power is leaving SuperGuide