July 2024 SMSF newsletter
Preservation age and transition-to-retirement pensions align, Can I live in my SMSF property?, What does SuperStream mean for my SMSF, Director Identification Numbers: What is required for SMSFs, How to wind up an SMSF
Home / SuperGuide newsletter archive
The SuperGuide newsletter contains all the latest information, Q&As, tips and strategies about superannuation and retirement planning.
Preservation age and transition-to-retirement pensions align, Can I live in my SMSF property?, What does SuperStream mean for my SMSF, Director Identification Numbers: What is required for SMSFs, How to wind up an SMSF
Super, pension and Age Pension changes from 1 July 2024
Changing pace: Retiring and thriving together, Workforce age discrimination and what it means for your super, The cost of residential aged care, Winding up an estate: 11 steps to help get the job done, Death benefits Q&A: Part 1
Super funds of the year awards: Best super funds for 2024, What do the 2024 tax cuts mean for your super contributions?, How investing in infrastructure adds to your super returns, Super news for June 2024, Super fund performance: Monthly returns to May 2024
What different types of financial advice should I consider?, Retirement planning for couples, What to consider if you’re forced to retire early, Combining new retirement products to maximise retirement income: A case study, What is the retirement age in Australia?
EOFY: Getting your SMSF in order, What is a self-managed super fund (SMSF)?, SMSF setup guide: 9 steps you need to follow, SMSF audits: Fees and guidelines, SMSFs: What is an actuarial certificate, and how much do they cost?
Pension fund of the year 2024: What makes a winner?, Which super funds offer income for life?, Managing retirement income with a bucket strategy, Deeming rates (and calculator) for the Age Pension income test
Super housekeeping tips for EOFY, How to avoid super scams, Updated super fund rankings, Monthly returns to April 2024, Super news for May 2024.
Federal Budget May 2024 overview: Superannuation and retiree announcements
How much super do I need to retire?, Retiring on $50,000 a year (or $70,000 for a couple), Retiring on $60,000 a year (or $84,000 for a couple), Retiring on $80,000 a year (or $112,000 for a couple), Retiring on $100,000 a year (or $140,000 for a couple), Is $500,000 in super enough to retire on?, Is $700,000 in super enough to retire on?, Is $1 million in super enough to retire on?, Is $2 million in super enough to retire on?
The $3 million super tax cap: What to consider with 1 year to go, Getting ATO advice for your SMSF: Rulings and fund specific advice, How to boost your SMSF balance with contributions reserving, Multigenerational SMSFs: Benefits and pitfalls, How to add a new member to your SMSF
Retirement cost of living: 10 tips to boost your finances, Retiree reflections: What surprised me most when I retired, What is the DVA (Department of Veterans’ Affairs) Service Pension?, Introducing My Aged Care, Should you fully withdraw super prior to death to minimise tax payable by your beneficiaries?
Getting to know your super fund and what it can do for you, Top-performing sustainable super funds (to December 2023), Australian income tax brackets and rates (2023-24 and 2024-25), Super news for April 2024, Super fund performance: Monthly returns to March 2024
7 retirement mistakes you don’t want to make, How to use the TelstraSuper Lifetime Income Calculator, The taper trap: Super and the Age Pension means test, Should I close my super account when I retire?, Case studies: How to make the most of higher contribution caps
Contribution cap increases: Issues to consider, Running multiple SMSFs: What are the pros and cons?, Asset valuation guidelines for SMSFs, Franked dividends and franking credits for SMSFs, What laws do SMSFs need to adhere to?
Age Pension rates (March 2024 to September 2024), Age Pension assets test rules (from March 2024), Age Pension income test rules (from March 2024), Age Pension calculator (March 2024 update), Am I eligible for the Age Pension?, How to maximise your Age Pension, Aged care star ratings: Good but can do better
How to make your super more socially aware, Top-performing sustainable super funds (to December 2023), 9 investment risks and how they can affect your super, Super news for March 2024, Super fund performance: Monthly returns to February 2024
How to use the TelstraSuper Retirement Lifestyle Planner, How lifetime income products can help reduce the ‘taper trap’ for retirees, How inflation affects your retirement income, What is the cost of living in retirement in Australia?, Worried about outliving your retirement savings? 9 steps that can help
SuperGuide is Australia’s leading superannuation and retirement planning website.
Superguide Pty Ltd ATF Superguide Unit Trust as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Independent Financial Advisers Australia, AFSL 464629.