Check out the best performing super funds across 5 different investment categories over 1 year and 10 years, updated to 31 December 2023.
- All Growth category (96–100%)
- High Growth category (81–95%)
- Growth category (61–80%)
- Balanced category (41–60%)
- Conservative category (21–40%)
SuperGuide members Q&A: March 2024
Thursday 21 March 2024 at 11:00 am AEDT
In this webinar super expert Garth McNally will answer recent questions from SuperGuide members.
Q: Just wanted some clarification on “temporary incapacity” and how this is claimed ? Spoke to Hostplus and they didn’t seem to offer this as a condition of release.
Do most industry funds have this available?
A: Yes, most industry super funds do offer release via temporary incapacity, and the benefit is funded via insurance. The corresponding insurance cover is called income protection or total and temporary disability cover.
If you do not have income protection insurance attached to your account, there is usually no option to receive a temporary incapacity benefit.
While it is legally permitted for funds to provide temporary incapacity payments from additional employer contributions (that have been paid on top of the required super guarantee) or from fund reserves, instead of from insurance, this is very rarely available. We are not aware of any publicly offered super fund that provides this type of benefit. It was sometimes offered in older ‘corporate’ funds that were provided to employees of the sponsoring company. These funds are also generally closed to new employees.
You can learn more about disability benefits from super in the article linked below.
Early release of super for illness or injury
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Important: All information on SuperGuide is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether any information on SuperGuide is appropriate to you before acting on it. If SuperGuide refers to a financial product you should obtain the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS) or seek personal financial advice before making any investment decisions.
Superguide Pty Ltd ATF Superguide Unit Trust as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Independent Financial Advisers Australia, AFSL 464629.