Member discounts
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Special offer for SuperGuide members
20% discount for 64PLUS’ online retirement course.
Are you on the verge of retirement (or newly retired) and thinking what can you do with all this free time ahead, and how can you construct a sense of self, now that you no longer work?
Here is the answer to your two questions and more:
Building Your Best Retirement is an online self-study course, created by Dr Jon Glass, an experienced retirement coach. In his work as a coach Jon has been helping clients in their journey to a happy retirement for close to a decade.
Now he has bundled up his experience, learnings and techniques into this course. As you work your way through the material in the course you will develop a strong sense of how to make your retirement fulfilling and meaningful.
Here is an endorsement for the course from a student:
Dale Phillips
SuperGuide members get a 20% discount, paying $119.20, instead of $149 (saving nearly $29.80).