In this guide
We’ve all heard of the horror stories of people waiting longer than six months for their Age Pension claims to be processed by Centrelink.
When you submit an Age Pension claim you’re joining a queue a mile long and getting it right the first time can save an incredible amount of time and frustration.
This article is a step-by-step guide to claiming the Age Pension and getting it right the first time.
Note: While many Australians refer to it as the ‘Aged Pension’, the official name is the Age Pension.
The Age Pension also shouldn’t be confused with an account-based pension that you receive from your superannuation.
First – a little background
Not everyone will be entitled to a full Age Pension; some will only be entitled to a part pension. Our social security system is designed to act like a safety net (the more you have the less you’ll get).
As your rate of payment will be determined based on your means (income and assets), you are required to provide Centrelink with evidence of your financial situation as part of the claim process.
Getting this evidence together is time consuming but avoids lengthy delays with requests for more information.
The Age Pension age increased to 67 years from 1 July 2023.
Note: You also need to pass the Age Pension residency rules.
When can you claim for the Age Pension?
You are able to claim for the Age Pension 13 weeks prior to turning Age Pension age, however this may not always be the best option. The best timing of your claim submission will depend on if you’re still working, have any upcoming overseas travel and if you have structured your assets to maximise entitlements already.
If you submit your claim on the day you turn Age Pension age, in most cases you’ll be waiting between two weeks and two months to be paid. The caveat to this is that you have provided all of the necessary documentation to support your claim in the format that Centrelink demands (they are pedantic about the supporting evidence – we’ll go into this later).