Retiring early due to ill health? 6 steps to stay on track
Retiring early due to poor health can really have an impact on your retirement plans and finances, so here’s 7 tips on what to consider.
Home / How super works / Accessing super / Early release of super
Generally you can only access your super if you have reached your preservation age and meet a condition of release (such as retiring or turning 65). Your preservation age is between 55 and 60, depending on your date of birth.
However, the following conditions of release will allow you to access your super early (i.e. prior to reaching your preservation age and meeting a standard condition of release).
Each of these early super conditions of release has their own strict eligibility criteria.
Retiring early due to poor health can really have an impact on your retirement plans and finances, so here’s 7 tips on what to consider.
While compassion is a general term, the ATO applies strict rules when deciding whether you can withdraw some of your super early on compassionate grounds.
You may be able to withdraw a small lump sum from your retirement savings if you are in severe financial hardship and not otherwise eligible to access your super, but strict rules apply.
Being sick or injured is stressful and difficult financially. Early release of money from your super could help relieve the pressure.
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