In the reckoners below you can view the median super fund returns for 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 years across five different investment options.
These options are:
- All Growth (96% to 100% invested in growth assets)
- High Growth (81% to 95% invested in growth assets)
- Growth (61% to 80% invested in growth assets)
- Balanced (41% to 60% invested in growth assets) and
- Conservative (21% to 40% invested in growth assets)
Your fund may label investment options differently, so it’s important to know the level of growth assets in your chosen option so you can compare your performance with the median return for similar funds.
There are two reckoners - containing returns for the last 7 financial and 6 calendar years. We’re grateful to Chant West for providing the statistics in this article.