How to avoid getting caught in the in-house asset trap
Getting in-house asset rules wrong could cost you and your SMSF thousands of dollars but they continue to be one of the most common contraventions made by trustees.
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Penny has nearly two decades experience of writing, reporting and editing financial services publications for both institutional and retail readers. She has contributed to, and edited, the Money Section of the Sun Herald and The Sunday Age.
She has written for the Australian Financial Review and the Sydney Morning Herald, the Cooperative Research Centres Association publication KnowHow Magazine, JMoney, In The Black and Global Investor.
Getting in-house asset rules wrong could cost you and your SMSF thousands of dollars but they continue to be one of the most common contraventions made by trustees.
More women and people of diverse backgrounds on superannuation fund boards should translate to better outcomes for members.
ASIC disqualifies SMSF auditors as 40,000 breaches involving SMSFs reported, APRA issues directions to NESS around additional board member, NGS Super sets 2025 carbon reduction goal, AustralianSuper to boost investment in private equity, Cbus to reduce weekly admin fee, ATO owed billions in unpaid Superannuation Guarantee Charge from employers, Actuaries Institute paper offers guidance for retirement income covenant
The Coalition has announced a major new scheme for superannuation and home ownership, while Labor is expected to review the benchmarking tests of the Your Future Your Super legislation.
Australian Ethical and Christian Super explore merger, Super gender gap was decreasing before Covid, Colonial settles class action with super members, Federal Court orders Westpac to pay $20 million penalty, Hostplus expands its investment options, Australian Retirement Trust focusses on ESG with new appointment, Only one third of financial advisers pass February exam, Easter bunny hit by inflationary pressures.
If there’s one thing certain in life it’s this – things change. If you or another member of your SMSF want to take your leave, strict rules apply.
Super changes from 1 July 2022, SMSF numbers and assets continue to rise, Super merger news, More equality in super called for, Government expects super funds to divest Russian investments, Levy to lead Quality of Advice Review, Majority of former Dixon clients to transfer to E&P.
$450 income threshold lifted, Retirement income covenant introduced, Aware Financial Services Australia fined $20m, Inflation hits retirees, APRA to focus on sub-standard practices in super, Australian super funds lead decarbonisation, SMSF Association calls for simplification of transfer balance cap, Proxy advice regulations overturned in Senate.
If you thought governments were constantly tinkering with super, you’re right. Here’s your guide to the good, the bad and the ugly super changes so far.
ASIC issues warning to SMSFs on crypto, Superannuation needs to be part of draft National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, Size and frequency of voluntary super contributions rises, Cbus Super increases investment options for members, Super assets to triple as number of funds dwindle, Investment funds rise across the board, Proxy advice changes criticised by industry.
Pension Loans Scheme rebranded, rate reduced, 12% Superannuation Guarantee guaranteed, Super fund merger news, Australians want to work for longer, Younger Australians not confident about their retirement, Switching decisions don’t pay off for superannuants, Super funds and Nukes.
Cut-off age for bring-forward rule confirmed, Poor performing super funds still have sticky membership, SMSFs fail to beat the market, Superannuation portfolio holdings disclosure regulations finalised, new director IDs, Retiree living costs rise, calls for fairer PLS rate, APRA turns up the heat on high fees, billions in unpaid super, and Australia’s pension system up with the best.
Draft retirement income covenant released, TWUSUPER calls off EISS merger, Superannuation industry at risk of losing billions due to climate change, SMSFs must use SuperStream for rollovers, Financial services coalition calls for broad financial compensation scheme, Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) go live.
Underperforming funds now need to tell APRA why, Re-contributions of Covid-19 early release super withdrawals allowed, Separating couples can request partner’s super information, SMSFs numbers increase in June quarter, Retirees experience higher inflation, SMSF investors fuel growth in ETFs, Colonial First State in Federal Court.
Retirement income covenant position paper released, Latest Superannuation Inquiry is “political theatre”, Retail investors flock to sustainable strategies, Superhero launches new super fund, SMSFs most satisfied superannuation fund members, Australians engaged with superannuation.
Pandemic has long-lasting impact on older Australians, Intergenerational report forecasts doubling in older Australians, Hostplus to grow through more mergers, LUCRF Super teams up with AustralianSuper, Super funds make bid for Sydney airport, Six member SMSFS good to go, Dixon Advisory to pay $8.2 million in penalties.
Pension payment relief extended for another year, Super bills pass, Retirement costs rise, March super stats show super increase, Running out of money in retirement major concern for retirees, Magellan launches fund with reserving strategy.
UniSuper set to open fund, AustralianSuper and Club Plus Super in merger talks, COVID-19 early access scheme primarily used to pay bills, Your Future Your Super changes, Government to regulate proxy advisers, New aged care help service, FSC focus on affordable and accessible advice
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