Greenwashing: Do your super fund’s credentials stack up?
Greenwashing has been in the news lately, with ASIC suing a super fund over misleading claims about its sustainable options. Find out how to read beyond the marketing hype.
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Kate has worked in the superannuation sector since 2003. Her experience ranges from customer service to financial advice, member education, complaints management, trustee services, and learning and development.
She currently develops content and facilitates learning sessions for super professionals with the Association of Superannuation Funds (ASFA) as well as writing for SuperGuide.
Greenwashing has been in the news lately, with ASIC suing a super fund over misleading claims about its sustainable options. Find out how to read beyond the marketing hype.
Find out if you’ve fallen into one of the most common super traps, and what you can do to climb out.
Being sick or injured is stressful and difficult financially. Early release of money from your super could help relieve the pressure.
If you’re unhappy with your current super fund and ready to jump ship, following these steps will ensure the transfer process goes smoothly.
SuperGuide is Australia’s leading superannuation and retirement planning website.
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