Super recontribution strategy: How it works
Find out how a recontribution strategy can decrease tax for your beneficiaries and help you and your spouse share super balances more evenly.
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Kate has worked in the superannuation sector since 2003. Her experience ranges from customer service to financial advice, member education, complaints management, trustee services, and learning and development.
She currently develops content and facilitates learning sessions for super professionals with the Association of Superannuation Funds (ASFA) as well as writing for SuperGuide.
Find out how a recontribution strategy can decrease tax for your beneficiaries and help you and your spouse share super balances more evenly.
Your annual super fund statement provides a useful snapshot of where you are on the road to retirement and if you’re on track to reach your destination – you just need to know where to look.
Let low taxes and a generous interest rate do the heavy lifting while you save for your first home in super. To encourage take-up of the scheme, changes have been made that simplify the process.
Learn how investing a sudden financial gain in super can pay off, with detailed case studies and a look at important restrictions.
The results of the 2024 performance test are in. Find out what this means for your super choices.
Choosing the best combination of retirement income sources for your circumstance can make a big difference to your overall retirement income.
Today, we’ll check out the retirement planning journey of Tony and Anna. They haven’t focused on their superannuation in the past and they’re starting to wonder if they’re going to be able to reach their retirement goals.
Sustainable funds delivered strong returns last financial year, comparing favourably with their non-sustainable peers.
It’s human nature to compare ourselves with the people around us, but when it comes to super, the real question is whether your balance is on target to provide the retirement income you need.
Modernised laws allow contributions up to age 75 and beyond. Discover smart options to get more cash into your super.
Most Australians can choose which super fund they want their employer’s super contributions paid into, but there are exceptions. We explain who is, and is not, free to choose and how to go about it.
The acronyms may be similar, but your total super balance (TSB) and transfer balance cap (TBC) are not the same thing. We clear up the confusion and explain how they affect what you can do with your super.
The gender difference in super balances frequently leaves women worse off in retirement. Use our 7 tips to get on top of your super and help close the gap.
Changes to tax rates could mean you need to rethink your contributions to super for the new financial year.
If you’re thinking of aiming for a retirement super balance of $700,000, have you thought about how much income this might provide? Whether you are a couple or single, we run the numbers for you.
Managing competing investment priorities in retirement is a challenge but a bucket strategy could tip the balance in your favour.
It’s often touted as the amount you need to secure an ideal retirement so we’ve calculated how much income $1 million will generate under a range of scenarios.
If you’re aiming for a retirement lifestyle that some would consider luxurious, you may have wondered whether $2 million in super at retirement will hit the mark.
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