SMSFs: Investing in related trusts and companies
Using your SMSF to invest in a related trust or company can be a sound financial move, but strict rules apply so read on before you act.
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Garth has worked in the Australian Superannuation industry for over 20 years with a specific focus on self-managed super funds. He provides ongoing support and training to individuals as well as to professionals working in the superannuation area, including advisers, accountants and lawyers. He is a regular contributor to industry publications and to the leading professional bodies including Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ).
Using your SMSF to invest in a related trust or company can be a sound financial move, but strict rules apply so read on before you act.
For various reasons, SMSF members may want to roll an existing pension into a new super fund, but the process is not as simple as it could be.
Q: My wife and I wish to start a pension in our SMSF soon. Do we have to wait until July 2024 or can we start one now? How do we tell the minimum? Is it still based on our 30 June 2023 balance?
Most SMSFs don’t need to worry about GST, but it’s important to understand the rules in case your fund does need to register.
In this webinar super expert Garth McNally will answer recent questions from SuperGuide members.
How can we structure/split our fund between pension and accumulation phase so I can draw rent as pension for me?
There are many reasons you may want to transfer an asset out of your super fund into your own name, but there are processes you need to follow.
Proposed legislation will relax the residency rules for SMSF members, but until then it pays to understand the current rules before heading overseas for an extended stay.
SMSFs are a popular option for people who want more control of their retirement savings, but it’s important to understand how they compare to large super funds.
Are you making the most of having an SMSF? In this webinar we will cover strategies only available to SMSFs, including access to certain investments, effective tax and estate planning, as well as the benefits of investing as a couple or family.
Q: If I start a Pension in my SMSF after 1 July 2023 with a Transfer Balance Cap (TBC) at $1.9 million and Transfer Balance Account (TBA) at $1.9 million (but do not take a Pension payment until after 1 June 2024,) does it means that I do not have to use any of my 4% minimum pension drawdown for the 2023-24 year? If that is the case, does my total balance account increases by the earnings allocated to my Pension Account as at 1 July 2024? If the above is correct, how does this affect my tax-free status of earning in Pension Account for the 2023-24 year? I am assuming the tax free status remains in place?
In this article in our SMSF and Estate Planning series, we focus on key issues within your fund.
In this webinar super expert Garth McNally will answer recent questions from SuperGuide members.
The third article in our SMSF and Estate Planning series focuses on estate planning issues trustees need to consider on the death of a fund member.
The aged care system is notoriously complex. This webinar will outline the aged care landscape including how to access help in the home or get into residential aged care and the costs involved.
Q: My wife and I are both over 70 and are the only members of our SMSF. On 30 June, my wife had a nil balance in our SMSF but will make a $300,000 non-concessional contribution in July and commence an account-based pension at the 5% rate. Does her nil balance in the previous financial year predetermine the amount of pension she is permitted to take, from an ATO perspective?
Q: I am about to retire but my partner is still working. There is one property, some shares and cash in the SMSF. My partner and I have 50% share each. Moving to retirement, can I transfer all cash to my share of the fund into retirement phase? The value of cash is 25% of total fund.
When we’re looking at joint ownership of property, there are a few things that we need to consider. There are really two quite distinct ways that direct property interest can be held when there’s multiple owners.
SuperGuide is Australia’s leading superannuation and retirement planning website.
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