Buying property in an SMSF Q&As: Part 1
Holding real property in an SMSF is a popular strategy, but the rules can be confusing. We answer some common questions from our readers.
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Garth has worked in the Australian Superannuation industry for over 20 years with a specific focus on self-managed super funds. He provides ongoing support and training to individuals as well as to professionals working in the superannuation area, including advisers, accountants and lawyers. He is a regular contributor to industry publications and to the leading professional bodies including Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ).
Holding real property in an SMSF is a popular strategy, but the rules can be confusing. We answer some common questions from our readers.
Understanding the transfer balance account rules, including timing and transaction reporting, is extremely important for SMSF trustees..
With restrictions on the amount you can use to start a pension, understanding how you can then access these funds has become an even more important issue.
Q: Myself and my husband both 72 have an SMSF. We both have 3 individual pension accounts in our fund. I have paid out the required minimum amounts for this year as per our accountants’ instructions.
There’s growing awareness that TTR pensions can be used to achieve a variety of tax and other outcomes. Here we answer some recent questions from our readers.
Q: If you and your wife are retired and have an SMSF, what happens when one of you dies? Can you keep the money in the SMSF for the other person to still live off if you are the only person on the binding death nomination? Or does it need to get paid out of the SMSF?
A TTR pension not only offers greater work-life balance, but it can also open up potentially beneficial strategies and opportunities.
Q: Nikki asks, I would like to understand what the benefit is for my husband to withdraw funds when he turns 60, and then I reinvest the funds back in my name.
From the compliance requirements to the strategic opportunities, this webinar will also include an attendee Q&A Session.
Don’t know your NALE from your NALI? Failure to attend to both can lead to some gnarly tax outcomes.
It’s a common question which is generally answered with a firm no, but there are exceptions to the rule.
The stars have aligned for the preservation age and tax-free super payments, reigniting interest in TTR pensions.
Q: I am keen to understand how to move one member of an SMSF from accumulation phase to a benefit paying phase, while the remaining members continue in the accumulation phase.
If you are planning to set up your own self-managed super fund with a corporate trustee, then you will need to add applying for a Director ID to your administrative to-do list.
With upcoming changes to both superannuation and tax laws, there is likely to be a huge uptake in the use of transition to retirement pensions.
Q: I have two super funds and being in my 60s and retired believe I’m eligible to change from accumulation to pension. If I do this, does this need to happen for both funds, or can I choose to have one fund with one account in pension/drawdown mode and have the second fund with one account remaining in accumulation mode?
If you want to take advantage of some of the changes to super this financial year, and get your SMSF shipshape for June 30, then get cracking.
In this webinar super expert Garth McNally answers recent questions from SuperGuide members.
SuperGuide is Australia’s leading superannuation and retirement planning website.
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