How can I top up my super pension?
It’s possible to contribute to super after you retire, but there are rules you
must follow if you want to use these contributions to top up your pension account.
Home / Archives for Garth McNally
Garth has worked in the Australian Superannuation industry for over 20 years with a specific focus on self-managed super funds. He provides ongoing support and training to individuals as well as to professionals working in the superannuation area, including advisers, accountants and lawyers. He is a regular contributor to industry publications and to the leading professional bodies including Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ).
It’s possible to contribute to super after you retire, but there are rules you
must follow if you want to use these contributions to top up your pension account.
Reserves can be a useful tool for SMSF trustees, but the ATO takes a dim view of anything that looks like tax avoidance.
When you turn 65 a number of things happen to your transition to retirement pension – mostly good but there are traps to avoid.
Q: How is the Total Superannuation Balance calculated for each individual member for an SMSF on June 30th of the previous year?
The amount you can get into a super pension is about to increase,
presenting some useful strategies for existing and prospective retirees.
Gold investments come in many forms, so SMSF trustees should understand the pros and cons, and compliance issues, with each.
Now updated with a handy video guide. Adverse tax and compliance outcomes can occur if you fail to take your minimum pension payment each year. Don’t get caught due to poor SMSF administration.
While some super reforms are on the way, other proposed changes may struggle to get across the line before the upcoming federal election.
Proposed changes to legacy pensions will make it much easier to switch to newer, more flexible products without some of the previous hurdles and restrictions.
Forewarned is forearmed, as they say, so why not download our 2025 SMSF calendar to ensure you don’t miss any crucial dates, deadlines or opportunities in the year ahead.
Two member questions that explore how to use the recontribution strategy to reduce the super death tax payable by beneficiaries.
Q: I’m drawing a pension from an account-based pension fund. Can that account be moved or switched to another better provider? If so, what is involved?
Running multiple pensions from the one SMSF can be extremely beneficial. From tax planning to estate planning, there is a lot to consider!
Do you know the difference between pension payments and lump sums? The process for taking a lump sum from your accumulation account or your pension account?
Q: I am currently 63 and I work 4 days a week as a receptionist in a doctor’s surgery. I also work 2 days a week in the local chemist. Can I commence a TTR once I cease my role at the chemist shop?
Q: My wife and I have set up a new SMSF with a corporate Trustee (we are the directors). We want to transfer the assets from our old SMSF (we are the trustees). Some of the shares have large unrealised capital gains (e.g. Cochlear, CSL). Will there be capital gains tax payable by the old fund?
Q: I have two super funds and being in my 60s and retired believe I’m eligible to change from accumulation to pension. If I do this, does this need to happen for both funds, or can I choose to have one fund with one account in pension/drawdown mode and have the second fund with one account remaining in accumulation mode?
If you want to stay on the right side of the ATO and avoid costly penalties, it pays to review its list of common mistakes made by SMSFs when lodging their annual return.
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