Helping Australians reach their retirement goals since 2008
SuperGuide delivers independent, up to date and reliable superannuation information and guidance to Australians looking to maximise their superannuation or plan their retirement.
About SuperGuide
With an ever-growing library of hundreds of fact-checked articles, checklists and video guides, we are the comprehensive go-to resource on superannuation, SMSFs and retirement planning.
Our mission is to make super easier to understand so that Australians of all ages can make educated decisions for a more comfortable retirement.
What makes SuperGuide different
For the last 15 years we’ve been uniquely placed to help Australians make the most of their superannuation and achieve their retirement goals
We’re independent
We’re experts
We’re comprehensive
Australia’s super and retirement expert
SuperGuide is a trusted authority on superannuation, and recently has been referenced in…
As featured in
Our impact
In 2015, SuperGuide was recognised by the National Library of Australia and included in the NLA archive collection. We are honoured to now be shortlisted among others considered to have long-term significance and research value for generations of Australians to come.
Meet the SuperGuide expert panel
Bringing together decades of expertise across all things superannuation and retirement planning.
Robert Barnes
Barbara Drury
Harry Chemay
Garth McNally
Penny Pryor
Aakash Mehta
Kate Crawford
Kate Barnes
Allan Johnson
We are proud of the SuperGuide service and hope you find it useful.
If you’d like to know more about SuperGuide – please feel free to contact us.